Resident Resources
Public Safety/Wildfire Presentation (Tom Cashion, GRF Public Safety Manager)
Active Shooter Safety: "Run - Hide - Fight" video from FBI.
Wildfire Preparedness & Evacuation - How to get Ready
Shelter info - post-disaster or evacuation: Text “shelter94595” to 43362 for open nearby shelters
Rossmoor Emergency Information form - The information requested is for each unit/manor. In case of an emergency, to assist you or to notify the proper person (for Rossmoor Member Records).
Front Door Evacuation Notice
Rossmoor Insurance BROCHURE: "What is covered and what is not"
EPO/RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVES - Sign up (when asked for "zip code" type in rossmoorca). Donor Tip Sheet. For more information, contact Colene Trinterud: Email:
Know Your Fire Evacuation Zone # - Have a Fire Evacuation Plan (from GRF) - Map
Know your Fire Evacuation Zone # in Rossmoor - Spreadsheet
YouTube Video: Response Plan to care for animals whose owners have been injured in an emergency
Help Button - List of Medical Response System Providers - From Rossmoor Counseling Services
Walnut Creek Secondhand Smoking Ordinance
Rossmoor News 11-1-17 article (reprint) on mass evacuation and alternative gates
Evacuation: Plan for Rossmoor and Q&A
"The Answer Book" for loved ones (provided by Rossmoor Counseling Services) - Your financial and personal information
Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) Emergency Operations Plan (EOP)
Golden Rain Foundation (GRF) Limited Role in Emergency Response
Public Safety and Security - Securitas
Rossmoor Annual Emergency Preparedness Organization (EPO) FAIR
Rossmoor Community Phonebook (First Aid and Earthquake Preparedness)
TIPS: In case of a fire at Rossmoor (from EPO)
Resident Emergency/Disaster Information (REDI)
How to open your garage door when power is out
Emergency Contact Information FORM for Golden Rain Foundation (GRF)
Rossmoor Presentations and information handouts
Computer Club of Rossmoor - Tech Together - October 30, 2020. Topic: "TeleHealth" - YouTube video. Presentation links and materials
Computer Club of Rossmoor presentation, 1-20-20, "Using Technology in Emergency Situations." Click here.
Rossmoor Counseling Services (website) - PowerPoint show 2-4-19; pdf
"Rumors, Myths and Realities" 4-1-19 presentation by Dennis Bell, GRF Public Safety Manager and Molly Ayres who heads Securitas. PowerPoint show; pdf
Lisa Katzke presentation notes from 12-3-19 Fire Safety talk
Rossmoor Counseling Services 2-3-20 presentation by Jill Meyers, LMFT, "Supporting Neighbors & Yourself following a Traumatic Event." pdf
Disaster Preparedness Presentation - Sept 7 at Event Center. Excellent information for all types of disasters.
"Why Cancer Patients need a Natural Disaster Plan" -(
Disaster Planning for Lung Disease and Sleep APNEA Patients
Access & Functional Needs "California Shakeout" Intro (video)
"Project Lifesaver" (Walnut Creek Police Dept.) - For caregivers of those with cognitive conditions (Dementia, Alzheimer's, etc. A 24-7 bracelet or ankle band transmitter worn by citizens who could go missing.
People with Disabilities
OXYGEN USERS: Develop a plan for when there is a power outage
OXYGEN Dependency Tip Sheet
PG&E: Medical Baseline Program (financial assistance program for customers who have special energy needs due to certain qualifying medical conditions during a power outage). Information | Application
Dr. Terry Hill's Slide Show (pdf) from Rossmoor's "Fall Prevention Day, September 23, 2021
OLDER ADULT FALL PREVENTION - CDC (Fact Sheets, Brochures and much more)
VIDEO: "How you can get up from the floor (after a fall) - MacGyver style!"
VIDEO: "How to get seniors up from a fall" (Caregiver Training)
Kaiser: Fact sheet - Preventing fall-related injuries
"What do I do if I or someone else FALLS?" (pdf)
Stroke and Heart Attack Recognition for the Lay Person
Video: How to stockpile emergency medications (KING 5 News)
Safe drug/medicine use after an emergency (i.e., when affected by fire, flooding, unsafe water, etc.) - (FDA)
How to Administer First Aid (from the Mayo Clinic). Information to help you during a medical emergency.
First Aid Training Classes (Red Cross)
SMARTPHONES: How authorities can access your emergency number(s) without a passcode
Financial Preparedness - (cash, household records and medical documents)
Emergency Financial First Aid Kit (FEMA)
"Is Your Financial Plan Future-Proof? 4 Quick Ways to Plan for the Unexpected (United Policyholders)
Tax Identity Theft (IRS) - Get an Identity Protection PIN number
PG&E - (See also wildfires)
8 -31-23 CWSU - Wildfire Safety Update
"7 Saturdays to a More Fire-Resistant Home"
Episode 1: "Defensible Space Around Your Home" - video
Episode 2: "Clearing 100 Feet of Defensible Space" - video
Episode 3: "Three Affordable Things You Can Do to Harden Your Home" - video
Episode 4: "Making an Emergency Plan" - video
Episode 5: "Fire-Resistant Landscaping 101" - video
Episode 6: "A Guide to Making the Inside of Your Home More Fire Resilient" - video
Episode 7: "Building a more Fire-Resistant Community" - video
"Power Saver Rewards Program"
Video: Gas safety training (Les Putnam, PG&E Public Safety Specialist)
Video: Electrical safety training (Les Putnam, PG&E Public Safety Specialist)
Video: How to stockpile emergency medications (KING 5 News)
Medical Baseline Program (financial assistance program for customers who have special energy needs due to certain qualifying medical conditions during a power outage). Information | Application
Power outage: 1 800 743 5000
Video: Avoiding a Downed Power Line
Video: Explaining the "Public Safety Power Shutoff"
Self-Generation Incentive Program -SGIP (for Residents Who Need Powered Medical Devices)
Earthquake Preparedness for California Pet Owners
FREE Pet Safety Emergency Kit from ASPCA
YouTube Video: Response Plan to care for animals whose owners have been injured in an emergency
The PETS Act: Companion Animals Affected by Natural Disasters
YouTube Video: Response Plan to care For animals whose owners have been injured in an emergency
Pet Emergency Planning (Walnut Creek CERT)
Disaster Preparedness (ASPCA)
Pets - Get Ready Now (FEMA)
"My Pet" form
Pet Friendly Hotels in Walnut Creek Area
Pet Disaster Checklist (CDC)
Video: "Preparing Makes Sense for Pet Owners" (FEMA)
Pets in Peril - "PIP" - A volunteer organization within Rossmoor that has accepted responsibility for providing emergency shelter for stray animals and/or care for animals whose owners are being housed in Red Cross shelters. PIP has established its own procedures for response. In support of PIP’s mission, the GRF has supplied a shed, radios, and food and water for PIP response personnel. The Foundation has designated the Pickleball courts by Creekside as PIP’s animal care and shelter facility.
Air Filter Masks for Dogs - link
Pet Smoke Inhalation Risks
Water treatment and storage - containers (
Water treatment and storage in an emergency (EBMUD)
Water Safety (safety, currents, hazards)
Tips for Managing your Drinking Water (storage, sources, contamination, treatment) - FEMA
How to Get Emergency Drinking Water from your Water Heater
Video: How to purify your water using bleach
Make your water safe - CDC - pdf
Rossmoor Insurance: What is covered and what is not
What to do After a Natural Disaster (Bankrate) - Preparing for Severe Weather
United Policyholders: How to Adequately Insure for Disasters/Emergencies
Homeowners' Property Inventory Checklist
Disaster/Emergency Insurance Challenges for Californians
Monitor the weather forecast in your area by ZIP code(
Be Informed — Extreme Heat (California Department of Public Health)
Learn about Heat and Older Adults (Centers for Disease Control)
Heat Ready California (Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications)
Heat Wave Resources (California Department of Aging)
Extreme Heat Resource Hub (LISTOS California)
Find a cooling center near you (Cal OES)
Understanding Climate Change - Data Science Programs - NEW
Contra Costa County Guidebook for Emergency Preparedness - "Don't be Scared, Be Prepared" (Ron Halog)
"Aging & Adult Services Guide"
4 Steps to Prepare for Emergencies (from Alameda County)
Responding to Power Outages (U.S. Dept. of Energy)
Free Publications ( - Homeland Security)
How to make a GO BAG from WikiHow
Comprehensive Guide to Everything El Nino (SF72)
Disaster Plan Worksheet (EBMUD)
Family Disaster Supplies & Preparedness Calendar
Home Safety Evaluation (checklist)
Sheltering in Place: Having a "Safe Room" | CSEPP: Preparing a Safe Room | CDC: Safe Rooms using plastic sheeting and duct tape (in a radiation emergency)
ABAG Resilience Program (promoting a more sustainable, resilient, and prosperous region where our communities are prepared to withstand and quickly recover from the effects of earthquakes and natural hazards.)
National Institute of Building Sciences - How society benefits when buildings can withstand natural disasters
"Discover hazards in your area" by inputting your address (Cal OES)
"How would you survive for 72 hours?" (OES - SF)
FLOODING: Rare L.A. mega-storm could overwhelm dam and flood dozens of cities (L. A. Times)
Contra Costa County "Climate Action Plan - 2018"
Disaster Planning for Vegetarians
Do you have an emergency plan? (The Caregiver Connection)
Are you ready for disaster? (FEMA)
Emergency kit for seniors and caregivers
"CareZone" app for smart phones - manage your health and prescriptions
"Project Lifesaver" (Walnut Creek Police Dept.) - For caregivers of those with cognitive conditions (Dementia, Alzheimer's, etc. A 24-7 bracelet or ankle band transmitter worn by citizens who could go missing.
Personal preparedness for seniors and caregivers
FEMA Emergency Supply List
"Get Ready Walnut Creek" (C.E.R.T. Emergency Kit video)
Emergency Kit Supply Checklist (FEMA and DHS)
Disaster Supplies List (Ready Care Company)
Build a Kit (home and car) (Homeland Security)
Evacuation "GO BAG" (suggested) - one per person in household
"Be Prepared at Home" checklist for emergency supplies (CERT - Walnut Creek)
"SF 72" - Emergency Disaster Supplies
Picture of types of emergency supplies to have on hand ("Patti's Pantry")
- - Emergency essentials
Ready Care (a local company - Lisa Katzki)
Red Cross - Supplies and products
"Safe T Kits" Store
Wirecutter reviews: "Best Emergency Supplies"
Shake Alert (USGS) - How it Works (Video) - Download the App: Website.
Add your phone to California’s exposure notification system to get COVID-19 exposure alerts and to protect those around you. -
SIGN UP FOR FLEX POWER ALERTS. Fact Sheet on alerts and warnings (California ISO)
ROSSMOOR NIXLE - Rossmoor Emergency Warning System - Text Rossmoor to 333111 to opt-in immediately. sign up Tip Sheet (9-22-23)
WALNUT CREEK ALERT SYSTEM - (For "WCAlerts" Text WCAlert to 888777 - formerly Walnut Creek Nixle) - Tip Sheet -
NIXLE - Outside of Rossmoor/Walnut Creek - Emergency Warning System - sign up
"PG&E Wildfire Safety Shut-Off Alerts: Sign up for alerts
USGS Earthquake Notification System - sign up
"Patch" - website (sign up for local Walnut Creek area breaking news and information)
"Nextdoor" - website (sign up for local Walnut Creek area news and information for residents)
Harris Greenberg's Tech Tips #8 on alert systems and mobile apps
How a Cell Phone Can Save Your Life: Set up Medical ID on your Smart Phone
How to know where you are in an emergency using a "Compass App" - Android / iPhone
FEMA - Receive real-time alerts from the National Weather Service
Red Cross (Hero Care, Emergency-severe weather, Earthquake, First Aid, Blood Donations, Pet First Aid)
Cal Fire "Get Ready For Wildfire" - wildfire alerts (iPhone and Android)
SMARTPHONES: How authorities can access your emergency number(s) without a passcode
Contra Costa County "Mini Guide" with important numbers
Using "988" for Behavioral/Suicide Crises Calls - PDF
Walnut Creek Police Department website - important phone numbers
Contra Costa County Disaster Preparedness numbers
Walnut Creek "E-Desk" at Gateway entrance. Available 24-7. File police reports, pay a citation, give crime tips and more! Flyer
9-1-1 is for life and death emergencies - "The Basics of Calling 9-1-1" - (pdf) - A presentation by the Walnut Creek Police Department
Urgent: Non-life-threatening: (925) 935-6400
Non-emergency: (925) 943-5844 (General information and questions). Report an incident that is not occurring at this time)
Contra Costa County Sheriff: (925) 646-2441
Pleasant Hill Police Department: (925) 288-4600 (press 0)
Concord Police Department: (925) 671-3333
CHP: 707-641-8300 - (Regional Dispatch Center in Vallejo) All 9 Bay-Area Counties
BART Police Department: 510-464-7000
(Regional Dispatch Center in Oakland) All BART Property -
Power outage: PG&E 1-800-743-5000
Traffic information: 5-1-1
Social Services (Contra Costa Crises Center): 2-1-1 - 24/hour
Phone trouble: 6-1-1
FIND a Pay Phone in an emergency